Analyst Team

Get the right information, at the right time to help you make the right decision.

Get competitively-price actionable intelligence based on Le Beck’s decades of experience, local network of sources and data-driven methodology. At Le Beck we understand that decision-makers need clear-cut assessment to navigate complex situations and landscapes – and we’re here to support you with tools to pierce through uncertainty. Our reports focus on the “so what?” and have been sharpened to provide the clearest and best way to navigate current and future threats.

In an era saturated by information overload, we’re here to provide the best tools to decipher, decide, and protect.

  Contact us to purchase or for more information


Daily Security Brief

Never miss critical information with Le Beck’s daily digestible snapshot of main security, political and geopolitical trends of developments in the Middle East and North Africa. Le Beck’s goal is to deliver concise and street-smart overviews and analysis that can be read by professionals across the region in five minutes or less while traveling to work.

Review a sample here for more information email us at


Organisational Audit of Threat and Monitoring capabilities

Le Beck specialists offer a 360 degrees audit of threat monitoring capabilities to ensure best-practices are implemented, as well as compliance with local and global standards. Specifically for Saudi Arabia, Le Beck audits are compliant with standards and guidelines issued by Saudi Central Bank (SAMA).


Weekly Assessment & Analysis Reports

Look ahead with our daily analyses of critical regional trends. Each analysis gives a clear-cut overview of critical and transformational issues, as well as a clear assessment of where we think the situation is headed.


Emergency alerts and Situation Updates

Included as part of our packages, Le Beck’s emergency alerts and situation updates are released during major crises to discuss, in a timely manner, the context and potential consequences of transformative events and guide decision-making.


Bespoke Incident Maps

We present all notable incidents for a particular country on an interactive map that allows you to see key hot spots and evaluate the risk level for areas of interest. Each location has an identifiable icon and is paired with the details and date of the event. Samples are available below:


  • Bahrain Sample
  • Saudi Arabia Sample



Country Threat Assessments (CTAs)

Our CTAs provide a comprehensive overview of threats and considerations necessary for operating in the country at hand. It addresses all key topics and assigns each a threat level, including crime, political and fiscal risk and stability, as well as any potential issues related to health, the environment, and culture.

  • Sample CTA


Custom & Special Reports

Le Beck offers custom analyses and reports on a range of countries and topics that are built by you and for you alongside our team of experienced analysts. Like all of our reports, we use data to bolster analysis, specifically addressing the issues you care about, in the countries of your interest, whenever you need it.

Custom reports can be ordered by contacting our analyst team:

  • In addition, off-the-shelve special reports can be purchased (find the current list of reports here).
  • Samples and extracts can also be viewed here.




Pricing & Packages

Le Beck strives to offer services that match our client’s needs and budget. For more information on pricing and the various packages option Le Beck offers, please contact us:


  Contact us to purchase or for more information


“We study patterns and trends to provide a fact-based evaluation of the most relevant issues happening globally.”

Michael Horowitz, Head of Intelligence

International experience. Local knowledge.